Dr. Yurie Hong -
Kate Schulze - 2015
Kate Schulze ’15
Dr. T.J. Ridley - 2010
Dr. Jeff La Frenierre -
Dr. Jeff La Frenierre
Dr. Dwight Stoll -
…every day at work I learn about the amazing things other people are doing on campus. It makes me strive to do my part ...
Haley Coller - 2016
Haley Coller ’16
Elizabeth (Truong) Jenson - 2005
My professors ... through the arts, rooted me as a person.
David “Agape” Scherer - 1999
Eric Butorac - 2003
I think within even the first couple weeks of transferring to Gustavus I knew I’d made the right decision.
Brian J. Evans - 2007
Brian J. Evans ’07
Charlie Conn - 1994
Dr. Bernard Powers - 1972
Dr. Bernard Powers ’72
Ellen Ruiters - 1997
I realized if I can articulate my passion, I can get to do more of it.
Lieutenant Wes Jones - 2011
Lieutenant Wes Jones ’11
Matt Rasmussen - 1998
The students and colleagues that surround me are some of the brightest and most creative people I’ve ever met.
Carly Zucker - 2007
Carly Zucker ’07
Elin Ahldén - 1999
Ferial Mohamed Pearson - 2001
Ferial Mohamed Pearson ’01